I'm almost afraid to post here after being away for so long. I don't want to change this place that now looks like a scrapbook bursting full of old memories. Man, I used to write so much and so openly with such thorough (somewhat boring?) detail.
I miss this place, or maybe I miss all of the times I wrote here. It's been a long time, getting close to two years.
Should I start fresh?
So much has happened interwebz.....but at the same time so little.
-Melina Rose
You could say that I am a normal girl but that is only true in some senses. True, I am not famous or wildly experienced in anything but I am by no means normal. :P I'm sure you will see this through my posts. I won't be posting regularly but I plan to use my blog as a mixture of a journal and a place to put my poetry. Yes, I write poetry. Most people don't get to see it though so this is why people I know dont really get to see this place. I'm looking forwards to what may happen with this.
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