The first words out of my mouth this morning were "Oh Crap!" I was in the process of flinging my still half asleep body out of bed after seeing that my class started in 10 minutes. As I threw on the first clothes I could find and then covering them with a giant, warm sweatshirt I mentally calculated where my keys, wallet, and pencils were. I ran downstairs and grabbed my scarf and keys and threw on my coat after pulling on my boots. I pulled my folder and notebook out of my backpack and grabbed my purse that already had my planner, wallet, phone, and a composition book that I carry with me everywhere. (It has one of my stories in it and some bits and pieces.) I quickly walked through the freezing morning air to where my truck was covered with what seemed to be frost. Thankfully as i got inside and turned on the windshield wipers it was proved to be a layer of fluffy, light snow. I drove to school as fast as the speed limit would permit me and stepped into class. My normal spot was already taken so I sat next to a girl who I had had a few classes with but hadn't talked to very much. My name was called a few seconds later and I plugged in my two jump drives. We were told to organize all our work so far so as to better work on it. We have a lot of paperwork to do and it is rather boring and tedious. I had a lot of fun talking with the girl while we worked.
I am now sitting in the next class still working on it while talking to people on the computer and writing this. I will need to go home soon though because I did not eat anything before leaving and I am very hungry. I also want a nap but I will probably end up working on my story while eating instead of quickly eating and taking a nap. This is the last week to finish my Advanced Typography homework and it all requires something not on the computer now. Urgh. After i do what I can for organizing my raster work I am going home. Foooooood. :P
Do you ever not have enough time to eat interwebz?
-Melina Rose
You could say that I am a normal girl but that is only true in some senses. True, I am not famous or wildly experienced in anything but I am by no means normal. :P I'm sure you will see this through my posts. I won't be posting regularly but I plan to use my blog as a mixture of a journal and a place to put my poetry. Yes, I write poetry. Most people don't get to see it though so this is why people I know dont really get to see this place. I'm looking forwards to what may happen with this.
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